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We’ve all been doing our part to stay home as much as possible to stop the spread of COVID-19, but it’s still crucial that we continue to go to our well-visits and get any necessary immunizations.

Well-child Visits

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), well-child visits are essential for many reasons, including:

  • Tracking growth and development including milestones, social behaviors and learning
  • Discussing any concerns about your child’s health
  • Getting scheduled vaccinations to prevent illnesses like measles and whooping cough (pertussis) and 12 other serious diseases

Vaccines by Age

Vaccines are recommended throughout your child’s life to protect against serious, sometimes deadly diseases. Find out which vaccines are recommended for your child based on their age by using this chart from the CDC

Adult Vaccines

You may not realize it, but people need vaccines throughout their lives to stay healthy. Adults need to keep their vaccinations up-to-date because immunity from childhood vaccines can wear off over time. Adults are also at risk for different diseases. Learn about what vaccines may be recommended for you, and be sure to talk to your health care provider at your next well-visit.

Common Questions about Vaccines

The majority of parents choose to vaccinate their children according to the recommended schedule, but many parents may still have questions about vaccines. Use this Q&A from the CDC to get the answers to commonly asked questions regarding:

  • vaccine safety
  • side effects
  • the vaccine schedule
  • vaccine types
  • doses
  • ingredients
  • protection from disease

Have questions about well-visits or immunizations? Contact your Colorado Physician Partners practice today.

Our practices have care coordinators who can help you achieve your health goals! They can assist you in navigating the health care system and can connect you with medical and non-medical services. Learn more about care coordination.